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Multilin D400 v5.01 Now Supports PRP, Analog Report Generation and a Third Ethernet Port

Multilin D400

GE is excited to announce the availability of its latest Multilin™ D400 firmware, version 5.01. This firmware release includes Analog Report Generation for increased operational and non-operational analog data management, as well as increased reliability and availability of data transmission through:

  • The addition of a third physical LAN interface
  • Support for Parallel Redundancy Protocol IEC 62439-3, Edition 2
  • Support for hot-standby, warm-standby, and stand-alone in a hybrid
    firmware architecture

GE’s Multilin D400 is a secure, substation-hardened gateway that collects metering, status, event, and fault report data from serial or LAN based Intelligent substation devices. Through built-in serial or TCP/IP connections and modem interfaces, the Multilin D400 summarizes data from the substation devices and makes it available locally/remotely through a standard secure web browser (HTTPS).