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GreenTech Media talks with GE’s Bryan Friehauf about getting the most out of every device on the smart grid

Between aging infrastructure and incremental weather, there's a strong likelihood that at least one of a utility's millions of distribution grid assets are at risk for failure at any given time. But what if grid operators had a crystal ball to intercept equipment breakdowns across their entire asset portfolio before they become problems?

In a recent interview with GreenTech Media, Bryan Friehauf, executive product line leader for GE Digital Energy's asset management business, explains this crystal ball may be more in reach than utilities might think. Integrating Meridium's APM capabilities with GE's Smallworld™ Electric Office and Gas Distribution Office, operators now have an opportunity to receive long-term, system-wide asset analytics versus point-solution analytics.

Read about GreenTech Media’s interview with Bryan Friehauf.

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