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Historical Data Calculations Workshop

Digital Energy Energy Management Systems
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The Historical Data Collections course offers instruction and hands-on exercises for engineering staff that maintain and use the Oracle based PowerOn Reliance Historical Database Subsystem. Topics discussed encompass the following; the Historical Database Subsystem Architecture, User Interface, Data Management, Collection Schedules for Aggregate Data, Data Processing for Simple Point Collections, Data Retention, Truncation and Archiving. This course includes discussion and hands-on practice for using the Time Series Builder (TSB) feature for historical data forms and reports application development.


Historical Data Collections - 2 Days
Time Series Builder – 1 Day


Software Architecture for PowerOn Reliance
Database Editor – Part I
Oracle® SQL Basics


Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

Define Historical Subsystem tables and views using PL/SQL

Enter and manage table definitions via the Historical Administration Form

Use the database editor to establish and manage Collection Schedules for aggregate data

Use text files to establish and manage Collections for non-aggregate point data

Archive data from the Historical Subsystem to off-line storage

Establish and monitor Retention and Truncation processing on Historical Data

Describe the functions of the Time Series builder

Create builder templates

Integrate builder templates and historical data into Time Series applications

Manage builder templates using the development tool